Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Kool and the Gang and a Viking Dance. 'Nuff Said.

That's it! Thank you UVic, it's been a great six (SIX?!) years. Good day. Thank you to Erin for teaching a great class! I am going to go do a dance of ethereal happiness:

The Viking bison disco inferno (Taken from

For this dance you need some bison horns. If you can’t find any bison shops nearby, make your own horns from an old hairband and a couple of twigs or something. Oh, I don’t know, stop hassling me, I’m tired.

Stamp, stamp to the left,
Left leg kick, kick,
Arm up,
Stab, stab to the left (that’s the pillaging bit),
Stamp, stamp to the right,
Right leg kick, kick,
Arm up,
Stab, stab to the right,
Quick twirl round with both hands raised to Thor (whatever)
Raise your (pretend) drinking horn to the left,
Drinking horn to the right,
Horn to the sky,
All over body shake
Huddly duddly,
Aand fall to knees with a triumphant shout of “HORRRRNNNNN!!!!”

I'd like to think that Ibn Fadlan would have seen dance performed at the Funeral of the Rus. 

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